Today’s game is minecraft. I played some more with my friends on the Cobblemon server. When they weren’t looking i snuck off and found the stronghold. Unluckily the entire thing was empty, so i plopped in the two Eyes of Ender i had and went home. I found one ender pearl on my way home, but i need to gather 9 more.

Interestingly the Stronghold was kind of ripped apart and i got out in this cool mushroom cavern thing added by a mod in the modpack. It’s probably Oh the Biomes you’ll go that adds it but i’m not sure.

It almost makes me wish i had shaders because i’d love to see how this looks with them. The blue glow would look pretty i imagine.

On my way home i saw 4 polar bears in a row. There’s not much too this one. I just thought it was funny seeing 4 of them in a row:

After i got home i worked some more on my base. I didn’t get screenshots but i have this awesome perimeter wall going around it. I spend a good 30 minutes building it. I eventually want to build a second one and expand that out more so i have a large courtyard area. Maybe to put a ranch to watch my Pokemon.

    3 hours ago

    complimentary shaders is what you want. they are lovely and they even come with potato PC options.

    they also do reimagined (which is like normal minecraft but better) and they do Unbound which is updated water animations and smoother sky textures, etc.

    they run great. i run them on my steam deck and they look beautiful.

    6 hours ago

    I see you said Cobbleman server but which version of Minecraft are you running and what mod pack?

    9 hours ago

    Getting Fabric and shaders is actually super easy and totally worth it!

    It’s incredible how easy modding MC has become, not only that - but shaders aren’t like the old days where you only get 15fps, it all runs so smooth and great together