Just to surprise your dear mom when she comes over 😉
Programmer by day, burnt out by night.
Just to surprise your dear mom when she comes over 😉
I have been that friend from the alt text at every place I have worked. I shudder to think how they’re going about their projects without me, now.
I did not pay attention, dang.
I was thinking there were way too many lamps above that billboard but I don’t know what highway billboards look like, they seem like a US thing.
But the oddly placed handles and doors are a surefire way to tell this is AI, I should look out better for those things!
How can you tell? (serious question)
Yeah, just check the PHP section!
My favourite is
var_dump(true == 'bob') . PHP_EOL; // bool(true)
var_dump('bob' == 0) . PHP_EOL; // bool(true)
var_dump(true == 0) . PHP_EOL; // bool(false)
Yes, the backend web dev can sanitise their inputs.
Or code is expanded/injected, like what happens in some CSS/JS frameworks.
In the FE part of my work, line numbers don’t mean anything in an error.
This one’s a missing )
on line 263, though.
Good human!
Seriously, though; thank you! Not for my mobile viewing pleasures, but for findability and accessibility!
Or notebook colours, as the user suggested:
📕: error message
📙: warning message
📗: ok status message
📘: action message
📓: canceled status message
📔: Or anything you like and want to recognize immediately by color
Why, Apple? Why?
Thanks for the source!
*glances at PR*
Man why does your code look so… *Different? *
That’s just binary with extra steps.
days may be longer than years (hello Venus).
Errata: PHP
That hurts.
But yes.
None of that is gorgeous.
Nah that’s chamomile: [https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamille] (https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamille)
Jokes aside, I can’t find anything on a virus named that, not even when setting my search engine’s region to US or UK, it only gives me info on Covid or the Norovirus.
Also, I low-key consider Camellia as a girl’s name, even if it just means “tea” it just sounds gorgeous, at least in a Dutch context!
No, don’t call him a gimp, that’s just mean.
Godot if it’s a boy.
Yep, it is. Mostly Twitch streamers and other such online personas, though.
You cannot be young enough for this to be normal English, nobody uses this unironically/outside of their online media persona.
Unironically the place I last worked at
“Our 20-employee company made over € 8 million profit last year!”
I ask for a raise because I’m underpaid for the work I deliver.
“Ahh noooo see there is no more money for thag…”
Needless to say I quit. Citing them this as one of the reasons.