A competent villain is infinitely more dangerous than a foolish villain. Trump is a foolish villain who has surrounded himself with competent villains, Elon chief among them.
I’m just a simple man, trying to make his way in the universe.
A competent villain is infinitely more dangerous than a foolish villain. Trump is a foolish villain who has surrounded himself with competent villains, Elon chief among them.
Oh, I thought this was about program windows. Not Firefox tabs.
How do you open all those windows at once?
So not only is Zeus a serial cheater but also a domestic abuser? Talk about positive male role models.
Technically because it’s on Cuban soil, we can blame Cuba for it.
Remind me, what exactly did the red army do to put the communists in power?
The way to such a system can’t be through a violent uprising, you’ll be seen as illegitimate and opportunists. Revolutions themselves are very volatile points in history, and it can be very easy for the wrong person or set of people to take the reigns of power. We don’t want another Stalin or Mao.
You need to take power in a way that doesn’t make a majority of the population hate your guts. Democracy is the worst system of government, except for all the others.
Right, so your solution is to get the people you like to do the terrorizing? Genius play. Really smart. I see no downsides.
Because that’s exactly what we’ve created.