Hey all, I hope I’m posting to the right place. My gf and I are both trans women considering immigrating to New Zealand from the US. We both have green list careers so we’re not too worried about eligibility but we are wondering if we would be welcome/fit in in NZ.

Everything I’ve seen or heard in media makes NZ look about 1000 times better than the US. Every country has their problems but from my limited viewpoint NZ looks pretty great. We’d appreciate any advice or perspective you’d care to share. Thanks in advance.

    • Dave@lemmy.nzM
      28 days ago

      I think we also have to have something to compare against. I know people talk a lot about NZ’s casual racism problem. It would be good to have input from someone who moved from the US to here to see some sort of comparison.

      Perhaps the working holiday idea that someone else had would be a good plan. You could come for a year or two depending on what visa you can get, then you get a good chance to see what it is like to live here, and also the Trump presidency will be half over.

    • absGeekNZ@lemmy.nz
      27 days ago

      My partner is kiwi Chinese, 3rd gen NZ, but full blood.

      She experiences a fair amount of casual racism. But it is pretty low key, very uncommon to have anything overt.

      Individually, most people are nice.

    • Viper_NZ@lemmy.nz
      26 days ago

      It’s no worse than anywhere else to be honest and mostly limited to older people.

    • BalpeenHammer@lemmy.nz
      26 days ago

      There is a general feeling that chinese people are the reason our houses cost so much. They blame the chinese for their economic woes.

      Also most people think Chinese people are rude and greedy and selfish.

      There is a significant number of people who believe that if you are of chinese ethnicity you might be an agent of the Chinese government. Maybe a spy, maybe some sort of a agitprop agent, maybe a secret police etc. This is especially true if you have joined any kind of a chinese club or alliance.

      Those are the stereotypes you’ll have to deal with.